The fourth installation of Rihanna’s renowned Savage x Fenty show promises to be as stunning as ever. The show is scheduled to be live streamed on November 9, and is going to include one of a kind performances by Anitta and Burna Boy and models including Cara Delevingne, Irina Shayk, and Precious Lee and a new range of size-inclusive lingerie available to shop the day of on Amazon.
“Savage x Fenty is known for its compelling performances, and the teasers, along with these images, make it clear that dance will once again be a cornerstone of the event. An image shared with Vogue shows actor and model Jeff Logan at the center of a dance circle, the performers clad in iridescent shrugs and baggy pants; another shows actor Alton Mason leading the pack in a semi-sheer black pajama set,” Vogue reports.
Get excited and ready to shop!