Adidas Originals and Prada, two international brands renowned for their relentlessly progressive approach to innovation and originality, are bringing their third collaboration — the adidas for Prada Re-Nylon collection boldly into the metaverse.
Adidas and Prada will invite their collective audiences to contribute unique anonymized photographs to the open-Metaverse NFT project. 3,000 community-sourced artworks will be minted as NFTs and compiled as tiles in a single mass-patchwork NFT designed by renowned creative coder and digital artist, Zach Lieberman. A truly collaborative endeavour – participation in the adidas for Prada re-source NFT project is completely free, and contributors will maintain full ownership rights over their individual NFT tiles.
gm Into the Metaverse community ?
— adidas Originals (@adidasoriginals) January 19, 2022
We’re working hard to bring you our first ever Into the Metaverse (ITM) roadmap. In the meantime, we have some exciting updates for you.
From 24 January, anyone can register to submit a photograph using a specially-designed filter, that will be manipulated, scrambled up, and 40 per cent of the image removed, so as to be anonymised. Three thousand of the individual photographs will be selected by raffle, and minted by Adidas as unique NFTs for free. The individual who submitted the artwork will remain the owner, able to sell their NFT on the secondary market.
adidas x prada. soon.#adidasforPradaNFT #createdwithadidas @adidasoriginals @prada
— gmoney.eth (@gmoneyNFT) January 19, 2022