Katy Perry‘s outfit for her performance at King Charles and Queen Camilla‘s coronation concert has received widespread praise for its iconic style. Taking the stage on the lawn outside Windsor Castle, the singer wore a stunning bespoke Vivienne Westwood off-the-shoulder gold lame ball gown. Paired with matching opera-length gloves, gold earrings, and a sleek updo, Perry’s outfit captivated viewers and made a lasting impression.
Fans and viewers quickly took to social media to express their admiration for Perry’s dress. One fan described it as “understated gold lame” and humorously added that the dress could probably be seen from the moon. The sentiment was echoed by others, with tweets commending Perry’s choice of attire and celebrating her as an icon. The dress was hailed as one of the best outfits of the night, and many viewers were in awe of Perry’s fashion statement.
However, amidst the overwhelming praise, some viewers couldn’t help but make light-hearted comparisons. They jokingly remarked on the dress’s resemblance to gold foil wrappers of Quality Street chocolates, adding a playful touch to the discussion surrounding Perry’s outfit.
Katy Perry’s ensemble at the coronation concert left a lasting impression. Her bespoke Vivienne Westwood gown, combined with her stage presence and talent, solidified her status as a fashion icon. The dress garnered widespread acclaim and cemented Perry’s reputation for making bold fashion choices that captivate audiences worldwide.