Doja Cat made a memorable debut at the prestigious Met Gala with her tribute to Karl Lagerfeld‘s beloved white Burmese cat, Choupette. The gala’s theme, “Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty,” aimed to honor the late German designer, showcasing his iconic creations from his extensive career spanning six decades. Lagerfeld’s remarkable contributions to fashion came through his work at Balmain, Patou, Chloé, Fendi, Chanel, and his own eponymous label.
Choupette, the fashion world’s most stylish living feline, set a high standard for those attempting to emulate her unique style. Doja Cat, known for her daring and elaborate fashion choices, proved to be the ideal candidate to bring this homage to life. She graced the event wearing a backless Oscar de la Renta gown that beautifully replicated Choupette’s long, white coat. The dress culminated in a train of snow white feathers, mimicking the elegance of a feline’s tail. Adding the perfect touch, the gown featured a hood embellishment adorned with a pair of pointy cat ears.
Doja Cat gives Emma Chamberlain the interview of a lifetime at the 2023 #MetGala. ?
— Pop Crave (@PopCrave) May 2, 2023
Doja Cat’s makeup choice was an obvious one – cat eye makeup. However, she took it a step further by incorporating uncanny prosthetics, including an impossibly pink nose. These details enhanced her transformation into a feline for the Met Gala. Ernesto Casillas, using exclusively Charlotte Tilbury products, curated Doja Cat’s beauty look. Her lips were adorned with the popular Pillow Talk shade, while her eyes were accentuated by the occasion-appropriate Feline Flick in Panther. The finishing touch was the new Hollywood Beauty Light Wand in Pinkgasm Sunset. As the gala represented the pinnacle of the fashion world, Doja Cat accessorized with a striking diamond headpiece and diamond arm cuff. Although Choupette likely never wore a collar, she certainly knows a thing or two about fine jewelry.
Doja Cat embraced her role as Choupette with great dedication, even adopting a coquettish meow during an interview with Vogue correspondent and YouTube sensation, Emma Chamberlain. Her commitment to embodying the essence of Choupette further solidified her presence at the Met Gala as a standout and celebrated attendee.